Prices do not include tax and
delivery, setup and pickup fees
VR/Virtual Reality

VR Biking game where the guest controls the game by riding a bike. You have to peddle to go faster and you lean left / right to move those directions to play the challenging games.

Games like controlling a race car around a track to riding /controlling a horse and you try to lasso the bad guys on horses.
Peddling is active peddling meaning your speed controls the game play. Also has heart rate and rpm meter.
$750 for a event w/ attendant up to 4 hours. Single unit
$695 for VR without the bike. Headset and two hand items.
$895 Bike Riding games VR
All the gear..
Guests preview TV.. headset gear
Stanchions 10x10 setup.
- up to 4 hours
optional upgrades:
$1200 per station include a Truss setup 10x10 box truss- total
$900 per setup with wall dividers w/ each system $900 total per.. (pic we they had their own tvs on walls we used)