Prices shown are before tax and delivery, setup and pickup is extra based on the order size/trucks needed.
Fortune Telling, Intuitive Counseling & Psychic Services Dallas Fort Worth & Beyond
Fortune Tellers, Palm Readers, Lipstick Readers, Hand Writing Analysts & More

SERVICES (See Below for Descriptions)
Traditional Services
Palm Readings
Tarot Readings
Fortune Telling
Aura Readings
Rune Stones
Crystal Ball
Handwriting Analysis
Original Services
Wine Readings
Chocolate Readings
Lipstick / Kiss / Lip Print Readings
Rare Services
Polish Wax Readings
Aura Photography
LIVE Gypsy in a box
Palm, Tarot, Crystal Ball, Phrenology, Astrology, Numerology, Face Reading, Aura Reading, Rune Stones and
Handwriting Analysis
runs $175* per hour
Lip Print Reading runs $200* per hour
*There is a 3 Hour Minimum.
LIVE Gypsy in a box
* Pricing Starts at $920 for up to two hours, $175 any additional
* We can print custom logos for your clients for $99
Prices in the Dallas/Fort Worth area . We do travel!

Chocolate Readings
The newest in FUN entertainment!
How it works: We bring the chocolate and your guests are asked to select one without knowing what it is; after they make their selection, we ask them what they were wanting, and tell them what they selected.
From these details we are able to tell them about where they are in life and possible course adjustments to get them to where they want to be.
This is PERFECT for graduations, it tells the young adults about how they approach opportunity, is their approach careful, too careful or half-hazard? Either way, it is a fun reading that will keep your guests talking & enjoying some chocolate too!
Things to consider - this attraction needs to be indoors if outdoor temp is over 80 degrees so the chocolate doesn't melt!
Wine/Cocktail Readings
For audiences 21 and over - we now have Wine & Cocktail readings! You provide the alcohol, we provide the insight.
How it Works: Your guests come to us, we ask them 2 short questions; 1. what is their first memory of alcohol & #2 when is the first time they remember enjoying alcohol.
From this we tell them amazing amounts of detail about their personalities and approach to life. Your guests will love the fun comical insights your reader comes up with!
Guests do not have to be drinking or have ever had a drink to get a reading, but this is restricted to 21 and over.
Things to consider? These readings are great for weddings and wedding events and can even be done strolling.

Astrological Readings
Using your birth and planetary alignment with the stars while using charts we are able to see where your paths will lead you to for the coming year. Normally this type of read takes time but we have broken down the reading to its core form and what took several hours of time can now be done in minutes for entertainment as part of your next corporate party or personal celebration for your friends and family. Plus each participant gets their own small diagram of what the coming year may hold for them to keep so they can refer back to it for the coming months.
Aura Photography
This requires about an 8 foot by 8 foot footprint area, with access to power. Guests will sit down with their feet flat on the floor & place their hands on metal sensors before taking a couple of cleansing breaths. Then the photo is taken, it takes slightly longer than a normal photograph so guests are asked to remain still for a few moments. The photo is given to guests on a card which describes what the different colors mean. You can optionally have someone there to interpret the photos. As many as 30 photos per hour without readings or 15 per hour with readings. This is a stationary attraction.

Aura Readings
Guests are asked to hold a quartz crystal and take a few deep cleansing breaths. The reader senses their aura and discusses with them the thing most relevant to them in their life that is affecting their aura. This can range from career challenges, to relationship communication, whether they are considering a move and more. These are one of the faster styles of readings at 3 to 5 minutes per reading, can be done strolling in a quiet environment or seated.
Baby Readings
We have a talented reader who comes in a literally gives you an idea of what your baby will be when they are grown. She can often point you to unique talents that you may not have known about or discovered on your own. Her methodology is through palmistry and is the only psychic I would ever trust with my baby, she is also a Douala. Reading length varies by party and can be offered strolling or seated.
Body Language Readings
Science has shown us that most of our information comes through the use of nonverbal communication, body language. Up to 70% of the information we take in is context clues that are given off by people body and how our brain interpreted them. Would it be great to know even a small amount to help in dating or give you an edge in sales or negotiations?
Everything from a handshake down to how we cross our legs can have hidden meanings for the person sitting in front of us or how we do these action can steer a day in a more positive and productive way. For your next party or corporate gathering bring in fun interactive professionals whom have been using body language techniques from top instructors to help aid in boosting sales, giving off a more positive image or improving dating and romantic relationship for many years
Readings with a standard deck of playing cards
Very similar to a tarot reading, but with a poker deck. The guest gets a brief reading about the present and future based on which cards are turned over. Approximately 5 minutes per person, can be done strolling with a tray much like a cigarette girl/guy or seated.
While not always the best option for an event, we do have talented readers who can connect with those who have crossed over or with guides and angels. The client sits down and we talk to them about whichever message(s) are coming through clearly. They are allowed to ask questions, but are not required to. Approximately 5 minutes per reading, this attraction works best when seated but can be offered as strolling in a non-boisterous environment or seated.
Crystal Ball Readings
Guests sit down across from the reader with a crystal ball in between. The reader tells them about whatever comes up, typically what is on the sitter’s subconscious mind at the time. Guests are often shocked about what is mentioned when they realize yes, that has been floating in and out of my mind for days/ weeks now. Approximately 5 minutes per reading, this attraction must be seated.
Dice Readings
Dice readings are often performed alongside a standard playing card reading with 2 dies or if done alone the guest casts 4 dice yielding as many as 6 intermingling guiding themes to be considered for the guests life. These readings are brief and can be applied to a broad range of aspect of the inquirers life. Approximately 5 minutes per reading, can be done strolling if tables are placed throughout room or seated.
Doodle Analysis
Bring your favorite doodle and let one of our trained experts tell you what it means. Did you know that doodling stars can indicate that you are a dreamer or that doodles that are written with such force can indicate high blood pressure or control freaks? Let us make you laugh when we tell you about your personality through your doodle. Approximately 3 to 5 minutes per reading, can be offered as strolling entertainment if guests already have their doodle samples or seated if they create the doodles there.
Dream Analysis
Guests come armed with a dream that has always haunted them. They share this dream or nightmare with the expert and work through the imagery in it until they figure out what meaning there is to be found. Approximately 5 to 7 minutes per reading, can be offered as a strolling entertainment or seated.
Energetic Cleansing
This is not a particularly popular party service, but can be offered in cases where a quiet space is provided. Guests will be asked to grab a stone that they feel attracted to, then asked to sit comfortably with their feet flat on the floor and to take some deep breaths and close their eyes. We raise their energetic vibration and send them back to your party. We will bring an essential oil diffuser and will need access to power to have this going near where the people will be sitting. Approximately 7 minutes per person, must be done in a quiet, secluded area with low lighting.
Face Readings
Did you know that on your face is a map of your life? Are you born with the ability to make and handle large sums of money? Do you have a stubborn or a weak chin? What about your vision is it limited to what's in front of you or are you the one aware of the repercussions way down the road. Are you bossy or do you go with the flow? We can tell all of this and more. Guests may be asked to remove any glasses or masks they may be wearing at the event for this reading style which takes approximately 5 minutes per person and can be offered strolling or seated.
Fortune Telling
This is basically the term we use which covers all of the different services here. If you simply want a great reader, no problem, let us know you want a fortune teller and you will be surprised at what service you get. Most common are tarot or palm.
Ghost Hunts/Tours
We have been recruited on occasion to come to a venue and facilitate a ghost hunt or tour. We LOVE doing this. We have your guests download a free ghost hunting app to their phones so that they can take part in all the fun. If you don't know the history of the location, we will even do the research for you, or build the tour around the history that you are aware of. This requires quite a bit of prep work, and is a case by case basis for a quote. Another fun option for you might be the séances, please see below.
Handwriting Analysis
Have your guests write a sentence or two and then we tell them all about their personality and idiosyncrasies. This option can really be a riot and very tailored to the number of guests at the event. We can make these readings as fast as 5 minutes, typically needs to be stationary unless guests arrive with their handwriting sample. We can also customize the handwriting sheets to have your company information on it for a small additional fee.

House Readings
Ever wondered what the story is on that old historic home you bought? Wondered about the strange sounds you hear when no one else is around? Let one of our talented readers come and chat with your spirits and find out why they are hanging around. The time on this varies greatly.
Kids Parties
For kids 8 to 15 we offer palm readings mixed with handwriting, dice readings, cartomancy & Pucker Up Impressions® The Official Lip Print Readings and readings by our one and only Swami Rick™. For 16 and up, we offer all of the styles listed here. We do not send out anyone without kid reading experience to offer readings to kids. They have to have that experience before they are a part of our team or they simply don't offer it through us.
LIVE Gypsy in a Box
What looks like it belongs in an arcade will delight and surprise your guests when they discover it is a real gypsy! Guests push a button and receive a fortune card, similar to what you probably remember from the movie big, only we aren't there claiming to grant wishes. Some sample fortunes include cards that say: "Do not mistake temptation for opportunity", "Make a game of finding things to love about your adversary, it will drive them nuts!", "To learn anything you must put aside the safety of your ignorance", "You will be missed by the next Tornado".
Box requires about a 5 foot by 5 foot foot print of space near a wall but at least 12 inches away from the wall and must have access to power. Nearly an unlimited number of people can been seen in an hour and comes with a built in opportunity to get a biz card into your guests hands as we can custom print your fortune cards with all your company information.
Messages from Beyond
Please see Channeling
Numbers and Letters provide Upfront Personal Data There are specific vibrations, energy and interactions for each number 0 - 9 and the letters of our alphabet from A - Z. The calculations derived from your name and birth date clarify continuous information regarding love life, business, money, strengths, weaknesses, karma, as well as ones mental/ emotional/physical health vulnerabilities. Numerology decodes your story, through the calculated vibration of each number and letter. Esoteric Numerology magnificently provides time and event-specific information of what to expect throughout our lifetime, as well as what is working best for you on a Daily, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual basis.

Palm Readings
We will look into your hand(s) and tell you about your life, some past, some present and some future. All of this will be lighthearted and you'll be shocked at our accuracy. Palm readings can be done strolling or seated.
Polish Wax Readings
One of the more unique and little known styles of reading used by fortune tellers. The style of reading is known as cereomancy. By using lighted candles, a bowl and cold water and questions that are either asked or can be write down and burned for a more ceremonial effect, the reader then pours a small amount of hot wax into the cool waters which form a shape from the cooled wax (i.e. A tree, or cat, a car or coins) that the reader is now able to interpreted shapes that represents answers to the asked questions. The type of reading has many similar roots to reading tea leaves but with a more lighthearted and fun with lots of interaction between the party guest and the reader plus aid into brings a more party like mystic atmosphere for your next event.
Pucker Up Impressions® The Official Lip Print Reading
Guests are provided their own individual lipstick sample and are told "Now, kiss the card like you LOVE it!" From this kiss print Kathryn and her team can discern an amazing amount of detail about the kisser’s personality, likes and dislikes in romance, how they decorate, idiosyncrasies at work and more. To learn more, please visit the full website here. There is only ONE Pucker Up Impressions! These readings can be as quick as 3 minutes a person, this attraction is best when seated.
Rune Stone Readings
Another form of divination using stones with symbols on them. We look into the current events in one’s life and then they are allowed to ask a question and draw an additional stone. These readings take approximately 5 minutes per person and need to be done seated.
Tarot Readings
This is the term used for all the decks out there, other than traditional playing cards which is called cartomancy (see above). Whether the reader uses angel cards, ascended master cards, the Crowley deck or the standard Rider Waite deck, this is all lumped in together as one. This style of reading takes approximately 7 minutes per person and is best done seated but can be offered strolling with what looks similar to a cigarette tray.
Tea Leaf Readings
For events we have a small tin of loose leaf tea, a kettle of purified and blessed water and a tea cup. We simply put a 1/2 a tablespoon of water into the cup with a teaspoon of tea leaves and let the guests swirl the tea around. Then we have the guest turn the teacup upside down onto an absorbent paper towel. We read the leaves in the cup and sometimes on the paper towel to answer questions and give a brief yet informative reading.